Psychiatry Services
- Medical consultation through CAS (with referral note (prescription plus medical letter),
- Medical consultation with payment
- Medical reports and certificates
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment.

Psychological Services
- Psychological advice in Work and Organizational Psychology
- Psychological advice in Transport Psychology
- Psychological advice in the field of national security
- Psychological counselling
- Personal Development
- Psychological support for: young parents, single people, people with eating disorders, optimization and personal development
- Psychodiagnosis and clinical assessment - preparation of psychological assessment report for the Disability Commission
- Psychodiagnosis and clinical assessment: helps us to understand the dynamics of the client/patient's psychological structure and guides the psychotherapeutic approach by:
- knowledge/identification of psychological factors relevant to health and illness
- cognitive and behavioural assessment and personality assessment
- assessment and identification of the family, professional and economic context in which psychological problems manifest themselves
- assessment of psychological development
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle
- personal development
- counselling specific to medical goals, e.g. birth of a child, lifestyle modification, pre-operative preparation, tertiary intervention in chronic diseases, death of a close person, degenerative disease of a family member (dementia, Alzheimer's)
This complex process is also carried out using specific assessment and psycho-diagnostic tools accredited by the Romanian College of Psychologists. Psychological counselling assists the client/patient in identifying and using his/her own psychological resources in order to solve his/her problems. Personal development aims to identify all the client's qualities and to enhance them so that aspirations, goals, desires are more easily achieved and are in direct agreement with their own potential.
Individual cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy can treat:
Anxiety, addictions (alcohol, tobacco, food addictions), panic attacks, agoraphobia, depression, divorce trauma, specific phobias (airplane, dogs, confined spaces, etc.), eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, obesity), social phobia, low self-esteem, adjustment disorders, personality disorders, somatoform disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
Access to psychotherapy/clinical assessment sessions is by prior telephone appointment only.
The duration of a session is 50 minutes, the frequency of sessions is one session, maximum two sessions per week.
The number of sessions, their frequency and price, the establishment of the psychotherapeutic relationship and the list of problems to be addressed during psychotherapy are decided during the first meeting. At the same time, the contract for psychological services is agreed and signed - in two copies (one copy for the client and one for the psychotherapist).
The therapeutic relationship
When it comes to mental health, the relationship that is established between the client/patient and the psychotherapist plays a fundamental role and is the solid foundation on which the whole therapy is based. The therapeutic relationship established between these two partners is built on empathy, unconditional acceptance (accepting the client/patient with all his/her problems without judgement), congruence (referring to the degree of overlap between the therapist's overt behaviour and his/her inner behaviour) and confidentiality. The psychologist informs the client/patient about the limits and exceptions to confidentiality.
All psychological activities are carried out in accordance with the code of ethics of the psychology profession.