Elena Cristina Coiculescu
Psychologist and psychotherapist
Elena Cristina Coiculescu is not only an experienced psychologist and psychotherapist, but also a curious and open spirit, always looking for new methods and techniques to support and improve the lives of those she accompanies on the path to self-discovery and personal development.
Behind the name Elena Cristina Coiculescu is an autonomous clinical psychologist and a psychotherapist with the right to free practice, certified by the Romanian College of Psychologists in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy. However, my passion and dedication to the human field of mind does not stop there.
My education and training reflect a deep journey in understanding the complexity of the human soul. I graduated from the Faculty of Sociology - Psychology in Bucharest, and then I pursued a Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychological Intervention. In my search for a more holistic approach, I followed training in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy at the prestigious Hypnotherapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Association in Bucharest.
I specialized in Schema Therapy - a schema-centered therapy, eager to provide patients/clients with a new and deep perspective on trauma and dysfunctional behaviors. In my quest for continuous knowledge, I also became a recovery educator in the Roman Centre for Social and Psychotherapeutic Intervention Association, addressing the subtleties of interventions to support those in need.
Active participation in workshops and specialization courses proves my commitment to bring innovation and new approaches to clinical practice. I have explored topics such as psychological trauma and healing, psychological assessment and integrated cognitive-behavioural interventions in Cluster B personality disorders, as well as microtrauma, resilience and creativity and their application in clinical and educational contexts.